
TNO research shows 12% energy costs could be saved in hospitals.

Energy savings could especially be realised in the fields of lighting, ventilation and humidification. The survey shows that some hospitals could earn about half a million euros a year by saving energy. Hospitals in different locations deal with their energy usage and its management in different ways. There are hospitals whose facilities are switched on 24/7 and where the temperature is not properly adjusted. For example, a policlinic or surgery does not have to be heated or ventilated constantly. Another common issue is that in many hospitals, just one main meter is installed. When there are no additional meters installed in the building, there is no oversight on energy fluxes in the rest of the building. To get more insights into energy usage we developed split-core current transformers, small IEC transformers to mount on a three phase circuit breaker and our easy voltage taps, mountable in retrofit installations.

Depending on market requests, we offer various standard hardware possibilities for energy management purposes on the market. Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for a custom-made solution for energy management purposes.

Energy management line

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