
Geothermal energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.

Geothermal heat is using heat that is released from the ground. The process of geothermal heat (geothermia) consists out of pumping warm water from a minimum depth of about 500 metres underground, to the surface. The deeper the drilling, the higher the temperature. A heat exchanger removes the heat from the pumped water, which is then delivered to a distribution network that will provide it to consumers. A giant advantage of geothermal heat is that it is immediately applicable. If the water temperature is high enough, there’s even a possibility to produce electricity.

Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes concerning energy gained by geothermal heat.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for transforming geothermal heat energy.

Low voltage transformers
Split-core transformers
Medium voltage transformers

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