Fast and simple current measurement
Superfast and accurate current measurement is the result of using our compact split-core current transformers. ELEQ’s TQ-series is ideal for use in existing installations and in combination with digital measurement systems.
The TQ50-L is deliverable in a range from 250/1A till 1000/1A and 300/5A till 1000/5A. All TQ50 current transformers are capable of supplying the specified burden, 0,5VA, at the end of the secondary leads. The TQ50 is easy to install; the top part can be removed entirely. The TQ50 is supplied with color coded secondary leads and correct closing of the current transformer is guaranteed by a distinct sound of a “click”. Two tie wraps are included for easy assembling the current transformer on the primary conductor.
Application field
Energy Management
Marine & Industry
Transport & Industry