Ring-type Current Transformer

GSRF 570

The GSRF 570 are cast-resin insulated ring-type current transformers and can be used for measurement and protection in outdoor applications. They are suitable to put on cables or bus-bars. The outdoor ring-type current transformer can be used up to 0,72kV.

100A -5000A
1A or 5A; other options available on request
As required. For example 10VA, 15VA
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We never go for the simplest solution, but for the best solution, for you, as a customer. Please contact me for the best solution for you.
Wim van Turennout, Key Account Manager
+31 (0)6 2039 5494
Order specifications

For the customized design of your ELEQ GSRF Current Transformer the following information is required:

Rated primary current
Rated secondary current
Rated output
Accuracy class

Multi-core transformers
Other relevant requirements

General Technical Specifications
This product is designed to be safe under the following conditions:
Environmental conditions
Outdoor use
-25°C .. +40°C; other temperatures on request
Max. 1000m above NN; at >1000m data required
Application conditions
IEC 61869-2 / IEEE C57.13; etc.
100 x In/1s, max. 100kA/1s, other duration on request
2,5 x Ith
1A or 5A; other options available on request
As required. For example 10VA, 15VA
Screw terminals M5 (max. 2,5Nm)
100A -5000A
As required. For example 0,2S, 5P20
The following downloads are available for this product.